You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.6. KITTING Menu: Micronet Kitting System > 1.6.7. Kitting - Works Orders > Maintaining the Works Order Creation Header

Maintaining the Works Order Creation Header

Whenever you create a new works order, or recall an existing one, Micronet displays the Works Order Creation Header screen where you enter the main details of the works order.

  1. Create a new works order, or recall an existing one.

Refer to "Creating a New Works Order" or "Recalling a Works Order".

  1. Alternatively, select EDIT | HEADER from the Works Order Creation screen.

Micronet displays the Works Order Creation Header screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Debtors Number

Micronet displays the ID and name of the debtor you entered on the Works Order Creation screen.

The debtor's number defaults to AUTOKIT for works orders created via the Auto Kitting program, and to TRIALKIT for works order created via the Trial Kitting program.


Order Number

Enter the works order number.


Works Order Date

Micronet displays today's date as the works order date. You can change this date if required.



Enter or select the warehouse that the items for this works order are to be supplied from.



Enter the name of the warehouse contact person.


Important Information

Micronet displays any added text in the Debtors master file that is assigned to display as important information on works orders.

  1. Optionally, you can perform any of the following edits or actions on the Works Order Creation Header screen if required:
  1. When you have finished editing the works order header and other details, select PROCEED or press F2.

Micronet redisplays the Works Order Creation screen.